Welcome to my world
where I share stories about
This Little Life of Mine

I’m a creative at heart—whether it’s through photography, writing, or exploring new hobbies. This blog is my space to document my journey as I learn to appreciate every little moment along the way. It is here where I'll (try to) share stories of my life, my process of healing while grieving, singlehood and (even) pain.

Weekend Recap: From Storms to Sunshine

Weekend Recap: From Storms to Sunshine

1 min read

The weekend started off slow, but overall, it was a good one. Of course, Friday was Valentine’s Day. No plans, no expectations—so as usual, the day did not disappoint. Ha! A couple of months ago, I signed up to help clean Houston’s first incorporated Black cemetery:  Olivewood Cemetery. I’d been looking forward to it, but late Friday, I got word that it was postponed due to the possibility of heavy rain on Saturday. Of course, Saturday came and went with zero rain on my side of town, but a storm still showed up… The storm of grief. With my plans canceled, I…

If You’re New Here (Spoiler: We All Are)If You’re New Here (Spoiler: We All Are)

If You’re New Here (Spoiler: We All Are)

2 min read

Welcome to Becoming, Shaunda! If you just stumbled in, let me catch you up real quick: I’m Shaunda, and this blog is my little corner of the internet where I navigate life and all the randomness in between. Some days, it’s deep reflections. Other days, it’s music, memes, and me side-eyeing the dating world. Either way, we keep it real around here. Fun Facts About Me:

62 Days

62 Days

1 min read

That’s how long it’s been since my mom passed. It’s strange—some days it feels like it just happened, other days it feels like a lifetime ago. Honestly, I don’t even know what I feel anymore. I’ve lost count of how many times something happens during the day, and my first instinct is to tell her about it. We had such a great rhythm, an effortless back-and-forth. I miss that. I miss her. Each day feels a little quieter without her here. But every puffy cloud on a clear day reminds me of her bright, warm smile, and I know…

Hey. Welcome to Becoming Shaunda

Hey. Welcome to Becoming Shaunda

1 min read

I tried blogging years ago and gave up. Honestly, I don’t even know if blogging is still a thing… but here goes. Maybe this urge to write again is less about the internet and more about me. Maybe it’s about finding a way to move through this surreal phase of life I’m in. I lost my mother in December 2024—something I never could have prepared for. That unexpected jump into a new normal has been an adjustment, to say the least. I’m navigating grief, rediscovering myself, and trying to figure out what’s next—all at the same time. Even if…