I tried blogging years ago and gave up. Honestly, I don’t even know if blogging is still a thing… but here goes.

Maybe this urge to write again is less about the internet and more about me. Maybe it’s about finding a way to move through this surreal phase of life I’m in. I lost my mother in December 2024—something I never could have prepared for. That unexpected jump into a new normal has been an adjustment, to say the least. I’m navigating grief, rediscovering myself, and trying to figure out what’s next—all at the same time.

Even if no one reads this, my hope is that by writing about my journey as it unfolds, I’ll be able to witness my own emergence, my healing, and maybe even a little growth. I don’t have expectations. I don’t have a grand vision. The only thing I know for sure is that I want to live—really live—and find joy in the simplest things.

So here we are, figuring this thing out together. Hope you stick around, because I’ve got stories to tell. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll see a little of yourself in them too.

Thank you for stopping by. Stay tuned for more.

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